Monday, July 2, 2012

Musing Mondays (9)

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery
Musing Mondays is a weekly Meme by Mizb @ Should Be Reading
This weeks musing asks... When you're stuck for a book to read next, what do you do?
Gotta be honest, this doesn't really happen to me. It tends to be that for every book I read, I find 5 others to add to my reading list, so my list ends up very, very long. For me, its more a matter of deciding which book to read next. Sometimes I'll have a couple of books at one given time that I want to read, so it's always a matter of which one do I choose!
What about you? What's your fail-proof plan for when/if you get stuck for a book to read next?


  1. Awesome! You're lucky. I cannot not make a list or any list for that matter without thinking of it as a chore. I'm not great with lists so I just pick and read what I want.

    Ooh, the cover for what you're currently reading looks appealing. I love the read dress. *_*

  2. LOL, yup, I'm the same way.

  3. That's me too!

    Here's my link:



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