Monday, March 18, 2013

Musing Mondays (17)

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Musing Mondays is a weekly Meme by Mizb @ Should Be Reading

This weeks musing asks...Describe one of your reading habits.

One of the things I always tend to do when I pick up a new book is quickly flip to the back. Mostly I do this to see how long the book is, so I can gauge how long it will take me to read it. I can be put off by books that are over 500 pages long, and I'm more likely to leave those till when I'm on holidays, rather than tackle it during semester. What I used to always do was also quickly scan the last few sentences of the book. I have no idea what would possess me to do that - waaay too much potential of ruining the book (in fact I think I did ruin a book or two by reading the last few sentences) - luckingly I've broken out of that habit!

What about you? Do you jump to the end of a book before you start reading it?


  1. I have admitted, on occasion, reading the ending of a book..we want to go there now..but I am also put off by books that are more than 350-400 pages.

    although I just read two...

  2. I usually check the number of pages, too, although I try to "hide my eyes" from the last few


  3. I also look at the back, though I try not to read the last few sentences.

  4. I check the last page number before starting the book but never read any of the ending. Here's my MM:


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