Monday, February 18, 2013

Musing Mondays (16)

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Musing Mondays is a weekly Meme by Mizb @ Should Be Reading

This weeks musing asks...Do you have a bookish rant? Share it with us!

There are probably many things I can rant on about to do with books, but today I'm going to stick with something that doesn't happen to me often, but when it does, it just ruins it for me. People spoiling the book. I just don't understand why you would do that! If it's an honest mistake, or something very minor, then I can probably forgive you, but if you give away the entire ending, expect to get an evil stare from me. The whole reason I am reading the book is to find things out as I go, to get to be surprised when the surprising things happen. Honestly, if someone gives me a massive spoiler, then what even is the point of continuing to read the book?! I now know how its going to end, and I have many other books I don't know the plot to that I could be reading, so I think to myself, why am I even bothering? Luckily, books don't get spoiled for me that often :D

What about you? Do books get spoiled for you often? Or do you spoil books for others?


  1. so true!!
    I especially hate when a reviewer does it. they should know better!

    1. I know right! I admit, it can be challenging to write some reviews without spoilers, especially if you really want to discuss a major point in the book - but at least let everyone know that there are spoilers! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Oh, I do try not to insert spoilers in my reviews (or my rants); I don't even like letting my eyes accidentally glimpse the last page or the last line in a book I'm reading, for fear of spoiling it. I glance to see how many pages there are, and quickly


  3. It's a bit of an art sometimes not to have spoilers in a review. I don't mind as long as the reviewer indicates there's spoilers then I can choose to read or not. Here's my MM:


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