Release Date: 1st June 2012
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia
Format: Paperback
Pages: 318
Rating: 3.5/5.0
This book was read as part of the 2013 ODY and 2013 BSR
Summary from Goodreads:
Format: Paperback
Pages: 318
Rating: 3.5/5.0
This book was read as part of the 2013 ODY and 2013 BSR
Summary from Goodreads:

Seventeen-year-old Pierce Oliviera isn’t dead.
Not this time.
But she is being held against her will in the dim, twilit world between heaven and hell, where the spirits of the deceased wait before embarking upon their final journey.
Her captor, John Hayden, claims it’s for her own safety. Because not all the departed are dear. Some are so unhappy with where they ended up after leaving the Underworld, they’ve come back as Furies, intent on vengeance…on the one who sent them there and on the one whom he loves.
But while Pierce might be safe from the Furies in the Underworld, far worse dangers could be lurking for her there…and they might have more to do with its ruler than with his enemies.And unless Pierce is careful, this time there’ll be no escape."
** Spoiler Alert: Read at your own risk**
Oh Underworld. I really, really wanted to love you. But, unfortunately, you fell into the trap of being a filler between the first and third novel in the series. What a shame.
I loved book 1 in this series, so needless to say, I was excited to pick this one up and continue forward with the story. But herein lies the problem - the plot didn't particularly go anywhere. We spent in entirety of this book trying to save one person, which is all well and good, but I need a bit more. And not only did the plot not really go anywhere, but I had some major issues with the characters. Take Pierce, our protagonist, for example. I don't know why, or how it happened, but Pierce suddenly became extremely stupid in this novel. There were many times when she'd say something and I'd think, Oh honey, really? Here's an example
Pierce: Oh look, my phone works, lets turn it on and watch some videos
2 seconds later
Henry: I saw you looking at your magic mirror, you really shouldn't do that
Pierce: Huh?
Also, let's talk about John. I get that Pierce and John are meant to be or something, but you know what, he's really not that great of a guy. Sure, he wants to keep Pierce close and protect her, but you know how he thinks he'll achieve this? By constantly lying to her and trying to trick her into doing things that would force her to stay in the Underworld with him. Yeah, no, that's not what a guy who loves you is supposed to do.
So what exactly did I like about the book? Well, we got a lot of back story established here, which was probably the main purpose. We also had some cool new characters established, who I'm sure will play a big role in the final novel. Whilst I did have some issues (read: lots of issues) with the plot and our two main characters, I devoured this book quickly because of all the questions that were posed and the answers we were getting. It's just a shame that these questions and answers weren't surrounded by a more interesting and forward moving plot. Here's hoping that the final instalment will be much, much better.
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